Is Labyrinth 1616 related to the book currently being sold by The Conjuring Arts Research Center?
No, the book produced by The Conjuring Arts Research Center is a facsimile of “A devotione del signore” originally published by Horatio Galasso in 1617. Galasso’s edition contains illustrations of religious figures, whereas the 1616 version contains illustrations of common Renaissance imagery. The only thing the two books share is a similar method. Labyrinth 1616 is based on an earlier work.
Do you offer an aged version of Labyrinth 1616?
At the moment, there is no aged version. I was originally considering an aged version when I started the project, but ultimately I didn’t have the time or resources to go that route. Labyrinth 1616 is very much a modern perfect bound softcover book.
Has the method been improved, or changed?
I have designed the book so that it can pass casual inspection from participants, which is an improvement from the original. However, the overall method has not changed from the classic 17th century mind reading effect.
Do you ship to my country?
Currently, I am open to ship packages domestically and internationally. If you are ordering within the United States the shipping is free of charge.